CHANROBLES LAWNET, INC., is a pioneering corporate entity duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which has been organized for the primary purpose of providing continuing professional education and development training and seminars.
It is a proud member of the CHANROBLES PROFESSIONAL GROUP, which, for more than 25 years now, has been providing free online legal resources to the public in the Philippines and throughout the world through its world-renowned CHAN ROBLES VIRTUAL LAW LIBRARY.
As a leading private provider accredited by the Supreme Court of the Philippines and the MCLE Governing Board, it has conducted more than One Hundred Forty (140) Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) seminars since 2004.
CHANROBLES LAWNET, INC., has been likewise accredited by the MCLE Governing Board to offer MCLE ONLINE and aims to provide high-quality MCLE ONLINE seminars at a reasonable cost.
CHANROBLES LAWNET, INC., in partnership with its law school affiliate, MANILA LAW COLLEGE, welcomes you to the website of CHANROBLES LAWNET, INC., a pioneering private MCLE Provider duly accredited by the Supreme Court of the Philippines and authorized to offer both face-to-face and Online Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) Seminars for Filipino lawyers. Harnessing its experience after organizing and overseeing more than 140 MCLE Seminar Series
To communicate with us and/or contact us, please click the link below:
ChanRobles LawNet, Inc.
Suites 2205-B, 22nd Floor and 1607-A, 16th Floor Philippine Stock Exchange Centre
Tektite East Tower Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City, Metro Manila
Mobile Nos.: 0917-5357385/0918-2435965/0922-2493325
Tel. Nos.: (632) 8584-7801 or 8634-0741 to 45
Fax Nos.: (632) 8584-7801 or 8634-0736
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact Person: Atty. Lea Marie S. Picar, Executive Director
This pioneering service is brought to you in partnership with our new law school affiliate, the MANILA LAW COLLEGE.